Fur-st Class Flights: Main Cabin Travel for Pets.
1: Pets Check In at Our Pet-Only Pet Lounge
At the airport, Pet Airways has its own facility to check in your pet. We call it the Pet Airways Pet Lounge. At the Pet Lounge, our Pet Attendants will check your pet in for their flight (many of our Pet Attendants are certified Vet Techs).
We will verify the information you have supplied when you booked the flight; their health certificate, who to contact if we can’t contact you, who is authorized to pick up your pet if not you, and any medical conditions and/or special needs or instructions we should be aware of. Your pet will be taken back to our climate controlled waiting area behind the check-in counter where they will be placed in a Pet Airways provided pet crate to await boarding.
While waiting to board the plane, our Pet Attendants will be monitoring your pet and all of our ready-to-board Pawsengers.

2: Pets Are Carefully Escorted to Their Plane
When it’s time to board the plane, your pet is carefully moved to the plane.
We load our pawsengers as quickly as possible and take-off as quickly as possible.
On the ground, our aircraft is air-conditioned for cool fresh air for any pawsengers that are already on board and for those being loaded.
3: Pets Are Secured For Their Flight
Our Pet Attendant verifies that all pawsengers are secured in their pet carriers and they are secured in the plane.
The pilot is informed by our Pet Attendant that all pawsengers are on-board, secured in their carriers and accounted for, and that they are ready to go.

4: This Is Your Captain Speaking
Once the captain is informed that all our pawsengers are onboard, the captain will walk down the cabin to double check and make sure all the pawsengers are seated, secure and ready to fly.
He verifies once again with the On-Board Pet Attendant that all is OK, and he prepares to take off.
5: In-Flight Monitoring
Once the plane has taken off and the captain gives the OK to move around the cabin, our On-Board Pet Attendant begins one of several in-flight walk-throughs of the cabin to check on our pawsengers.
Our cabins are full lit so our pawsengers can see what is going on, and so that our Pet Attendant can see them and verify all is well.
If a pet-emergency presents itself, our On-Board Pet Attendants has the authority, if necessary, to command the captain to find the nearest airport where help can be found.

6: Arrived! Pets Are Greeted By Their Family
On arrival, our aircraft is quickly hooked up to our ground air condidtioning unit to maintain fresh air in the plane and our Pet Attendants quickly disembark our pawsengers. We do a head count and verification of destination to make sure every pet that should be disembarking has actually disembarked and is accounted for.
Its been a fun experience for our pawsengers but a drink is always appreciated, so before we re-unite them with their family, we offer them a drink.
Before we hand over any pet, we check the ID of the person greeting the pet and verify that this person is authorized to receive the pet. We will not release a pet to an unauthorized person.
If for some reason no one is there to greet the pet, we will try to locate the authorized pickup person to see what is going on.
No pet will be left alone at the airport, even if no one comes. One of our people may take him/her home or we may use a trusted boarding facility nearby to take care of them.
Why Choose Pet Airways?
· Pet Airways is a pet-only airline dedicated to the safe and comfortable transportation of your pet.
· Pets are continuously monitored on the ground and in the air by our vet tech staff.
· We fly our own planes, and pets are located in the main cabin, right behind our pilots.
· Our main cabin is fully lit at all times so pets can see their surroundings.
· Once it is OK to move about the cabin, our onboard pet attendant walks up and down the aisle several times during the flight to ensure all our pawsengers™ are enjoying the flight.
· On cross-country flights, we stop halfway across the country so that all dogs can be given a nice walk to stretch their legs, have potty time, and get water and food. Cats are checked to ensure their kennels are clean and then fed and given water.
· Upon arrival, pawsengers™ are offered water before being delivered to their authorized human.
· We provide the carriers, so pet parents don’t have to buy one (saving between $75-200)